Thursday, June 17, 2010

Its All About The Results. Or Is It?

Since the 10th results get out today, it just takes me to the time when I was in that place so many years ago... At that time, it seemed so damned important that I do well... But over the years I've come to realise that it actually doesn't matter that much. For some, sure it does. But for people like me [who have quite the average intelligence quotient], not that much. ;) Just because you didn’t score 98% does not mean that you can’ make a living or have a respectable life ahead of you. It doesn’t mean that your life is going to be a total waste [as we are made to believe].

I realise now, that it was for the better that I was not a merit ranker [it’s not nothing to do with the 'sour grapes' here, honestly ;)] but seriously, if I would really have scored 90%, I would not have had the beautiful life I have today. Not that it would make much of a difference, because I still think I would have done anything but science. Cause apparently, if you have a good percentage, its understood and absolutely obligatory that you pick science to the others, as the other branches are still considered, by majority, as inferior. If you want to have a good life, pick science! That’s the general rule. No profession other than doctor or engineer is considered noble! Evidently nothing can earn you as much money as the two. What bullshit!

After my results came out, I recall like it happened only yesterday, people asked me, ‘why didn’t you take science beta? Why commerce? What are you going to do taking commerce? They spoke like my life was a living hell now that I’ve plunged into commerce!

My parents are both doctors. But I’m not. I don’t ever want to be. In fact, I have ventured into everything, but science. I got my graduate degree in commerce and now my PG in French Lit! And honestly speaking its not that bad! It’s got nothing to do with doctors in general, no offence please! It’s just that, it’s not what I want to do. It’s not my cup of tea. And by cup of tea I don’t want to say that I don’t have the required intelligence for something like that. I might, I don’t know. I seriously have not exploited my brain power in that arena before. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to waste my energy in something that doesn’t interest me. Why should I? Just cause the society expects me to? Well, that’s not a good enough reason to be honest. I might as well put my intelligence to test in something that interests me. Something that would not just be my bread and butter, but my passion too. Something that brings back not just money, but happiness and satisfaction. Now that’s what I call a career. And I think I’m one of the lucky few who have found her passion in her career. I know people who might as well abandon everything they are doing to pursue what they really want to do. And then there are some who want to do something else but are pushed by society to go in a different direction. Why let others decide what you want to do with your life? Why let them define your likes and dislikes?

The only way that you can be happy is doing something your way. Don’t be a doctor or an engineer because the society says so. Find your own passion. Pursue it. Achieve it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Larger than Life..

She quivered as she entered the extraordinarily brilliantly lit lobby. A stranger to such an ambiance. A stranger to the life lead within. Simply put, a stranger.

The revolving doors, the comfortably cushioned futons, the superbly accessorized and polished furnishings bouncing back the light of the chandelier. Mesmerizing! The surroundings called out to her. Pleading her to be a lady. Did she feel like a lady though? Even if she didn’t a fraction of minute back, before stepping in, she definitely did now. The instant effect that the grandiose had on her was shocking. I could belong here, she thought. And instantly realized how strange a thought that was!

Yes she had plunged in a foreign language and had decided to do so even in the future. The need to visit places like these would certainly arrive even later as they had in the past. But to BELONG and BE what these places expected her to be was not, according to her, remotely possible.

As she proceeded through the walls of a palace, each step she took, distanced her from the world that she belonged to and pushed her right into an unknown piece of land which could not be more different than from where she hailed. And yet, the sense of foreboding disappeared. The fact that she felt wrong-footed right at the onset, evaporated with each further step into the heart of this fairyland.

And then it hit her! This was nothing but a feeling of familiarity. The fact that she was comfortable in a place like this without having any prior knowledge of how one is expected to behave. She didn’t belong here, neither would she ever. She was comfortable in tuning herself to the behavior that the décor expected. That was all. Nothing more. That is where she drew the line. She had no desire to actually be a part of the life lead within these walls. No, not at all!

Cause even the luxurious setting could not mask the sad state that the endroit found itself in. Yes, one could find here everything that money can possibly buy. But the more important things in life would be very hard to track down.

The look that the manager of the ‘business centre’ cast on her said it all. The disdain. The disgust. The ‘I-don’t- think-you-belong-here’ look brought her back to reality. It defined the mere character of every person in the heart of this place.

She felt lucky. Lucky enough to share a few well cherished moments rather than regret being a total part of such a hollow life. Its better sometimes that we do not have everything we ask for. It makes us realize that what we are missing, is not even worth being waited for. She knew quite well that the life beyond the doors of this palace was much more difficult, but was equally precious. Equally cherished. Equally required to appreciate the better things. Once one has lived the worse, one is trained to overcome the worst. And that is what life is about. To go beyond and surpass our own expectations. To achieve new heights. And this can surely not be done if we are always looked after. No, we need to be out there. Fight it ourselves. The only way to appreciate what we have and also what we don’t.