There’s something about an empty house; creepy and peaceful at the same time. With nothing for company but a ticking clock. In the absolute apparent Silence comes a Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock… and gradually builds itself to form a rhythm, a beat: Music.
What do you look for in Music? A certain beat, rhythm, sound, pitch. Harmony. A melody that seduces your senses. That lingers on for long after it goes out.
Sitting next to a bank of a river, in the heart of a lush forest, can bring alive your senses just the way Music would. Why is it, you wonder? Listen closely. You are encircled by a melodious tune. Its all around you. You are its epicenter.
The wind gushing by, doesn’t it make a sound?
Yes, it certainly does. Its whooooosh is like a hum of some long forgotten song.
The cascade’s clatter on the river, intimately rhymes with the crash of a cymbal.
While the wild pitter-patter of the Rain, just fills up the surroundings with its jingle.
The Double Bass Drum borrows its thud from a galloping horses’ hooves.
And the chirping bird adds on to the tunes of a Flute.
Music! Music everywhere! We bow to thee, O Nature! The Chief Creator of Music. Using nothing but the Natural Elements, You compose a melody like none before. A harmonious union of everything in your disposition.
And now, you are back home. Back to your routine. Your schedule. That has integrated so well in your life, that your daily environment seems like Nature. The melodiously enticing forest voyage comes to an end. Now what? Did the song end at the border of the woods?
Listen closely, again. Heighten your senses. Awaken them. Make them sensitive to Music. In whichever form it may be.
A train passing by; its reverberation does it feel parallel to a Tabla tune?
Its whistle, even more so, merges with the notes of a Flute.
The rotating of a fan, helps create a pitch oh so unique!
While the oscillation of a wall clock fashions a striking background beat.
Music again! Rediscovered! In our natural environment. While Nature composes the tunes, so do the surroundings we live in. The sphere that encircles us, resonates with delicious melody. We just need to lend a ear to it. Capture it. Recognize it.
But what if you were alone in a silent room? Would the music die down? Music, does it reverberate only on the exterior? Stay. Feel. Hear.
Against your ribs, your heart thumps,
What does it sound like, a rhythmic beat on a drum?
Listen to the inhaling and exhaling pace
The tempo is established for the song to find its race.
Music is around you, if you care to listen. Its in you, you are its focal. Its origin. Its creator. The grand orchestra that fires up dies down only when you do. The Music never stops. Not unless it has an audience.
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